Luna, you're not supposed to play with swords. You could seriously hurt someone with that. It's really sharp, you know? And that won't look good on you either.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Late Morning Discussion #1573

Hello all and welcome to Friendship Daily. When you're all alone in the Kirin kingdom, what's left to do? Just be lazy? No... you must write! My Little Pony: Journal Is Magic. Autumn Blaze probably writes a lot. Especially since she's a playwright! What type of Kirin literature would be most exciting?!
Monday, June 29, 2020
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1526
Good evening everyone.
Pony hugs are the best hugs.
Equestria is full of hugs.
Sometimes unexpected.
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1572

Howdy all and Happy Monday. Long hair Monday is today. What did you do this weekend? Put something fun below. Remember.... "Big Crown Thingy" was upgraded to this. Good deal!
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1571
Welcome to Sunday. Relaxing on the beach near a little campfire sounds really nice. This mare is nice too, he he.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Friday, June 26, 2020
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1525
Good evening everyone.
Rarity and Sunset picture time.
These two are so pretty together.
It's the weekend.
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1569

Good morning all and welcome to Friendship Daily. Happy Friday. Time for a gaming day or something! Party on the end of the work week! Luna is watching over you, reminding you of all your dreams throughout the day. Well, she wants a nap. But she wants to keep you motivated and focused on goals! Dream on, little ponies!
.... Happy Birthday to LG
Today's Featured Video:
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1524
Good evening everyone.
I would love to see them in Hogwarts.
The adventures that would ensue.
One day closer to the weekend.
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1568

Howdy all. Pizza toppings are a point of contention for many people. There's extreme sides to each. Some ponies are evil inside and deny the awesome contrast between sweet and savory Pineapple Pizza. Hopefully Glimmer can change their minds. It's important to value the Magic of Pizza.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Late Morning Discussion #1567

Howdy all and welcome to Friendship Daily. Lyrabon has been hidden in the background through many episodes over the years. What is your favorite Lyrabon moment?
Today's video is a smoothly done majestic princess video involving SANIC
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1522
Good evening everyone.
Princess Amore doesn't get enough love.
I recommend reading her story arc in the comic book.
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1566
![]() | Howdy all and welcome to Friendship Daily. How many birb ships could a bird ship if a bird ship could ship birds? Just wondering.... also Student 6 romance should be the plot for G5. I'd say there are endless possibilities! |
Monday, June 22, 2020
Late Morning Discussion #1565

Howdy all and Happy Monday! Two bird ponies falling in love. Well one's more of a birbpone while the other is actually half bird. Huh. Odd how species work. What are the wings for anyway? I'm lost. Biology is hard, y'all. Welcome to Friendship Daily. Leave your Bird-ships below!
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1564
It's Sunday and happy Father's Day.
Here we see a younger Sparkle family having a nature walk together. Would've been nice if we saw Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle more in the show.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Friday, June 19, 2020
Late Morning Discussion #1562
Howdy all and Happy Friday. Looks like we're Dashing Back To the Future. What type of 80s style is your favorite?
....Nopony calls me chicken! >.>
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1519
Good evening everyone.
The Royal pillow war has crossed dimensions.
Canterlot Castle will never be the same.
I miss all of the pony blogs that have disappeared over the years.
Great fun was had reading those blogs.
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1561

Howdy all. Do you think Fluttershy enjoys adventure? It makes sense, she enjoys being one with nature overall! Welcome to Friendship Daily. Make your own adventure in the comments below!
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Late Morning Discussion #1560
Mega oof. Happy Summer, everyone. Keeping toasty warm thanks to Celestia's wonderful sun. SciTwi and Shimmer make good friends right? They can keep each other cool. I'm a big fan of this couple!
Today's Song:
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1517
Good evening everyone.
Sunbath anyone?
Celestia is enjoying her retirement.
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1559
Good morning everyone. How do you like to accessorize? Bow Pone needs more bows. Do you like bows? I like 'em a lot. Though for pegasus ponies, it isn't very aerodynamic. Form over function, right?
Todays' Video is a funky pop song about Sunset Shimmer.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Late Morning Discussion #1558
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1557
Welcome to Sunday. Scoots is practicing bass here. Wonder what she plans to do with that.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1556
Being a Wonderbolt can be hard work, especially during summer. Dash is cooling off here; must feel hot in that latex suit.
Friday, June 12, 2020
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) # 1515
Good evening everyone.
The Shadow Five are underappreciated.
Especially Indigo Zap.
It's the weekend!
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1555
Howdy all and Happy Friday. Thinking about your favorite side-character in Pony. Who would you choose from this list? You are on an adventure across Equestria and can only pick one character. Tell me below!
My Little Pony: Side Characters are Magic
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1514
You know that episode where Pinkie had a file and it claimed Twilight was afraid of tortilla covered melted cheese? Remember Sam's post this morning claiming Twilight was afraid of melted cheese stuffed between two tortillas? Well I have proof that both of those pictures are nothing but pure BS, nothing but pure lies, slander, and libel. Brace yourselfs, for I am about to change how you look at things, change canon forever, and from this point forward there will be rock covers of this post, from now until the end of time, because I, Phoxphite, have proved that Twilight isn't afraid of a Mexican food. Here it comes, the picture that proves that fear is non-existent to talking purple horses, that
Dang it, wrong picture. Hold on, I think this is it.
Oh, this is Starlight. Not Twilight. How could I get those two mixed up?
This is just a picture of actual quesadillas...
Oh, Faust, I did not mean to post that.
You know what, fine. Here's your proof.
I quit.
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Late Morning Discussion #1554
Dear Princess Celestia,
Today is my demise. My two greatest enemies have formed an alliance to attack me at my weakest point. Today has become a nightmare when both terrifying ladybugs and grotesque quesadillas invaded my picnic. Only the dead can know peace from this evil.
Twily.... Stop being so melodramatic. Look at this cute ladybug. Such a silly princess. Wow. Welcome to Friendship Daily everyone. Hoping you have a.... cheesy day.
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1513
Source: N/A
Good evening everyone.
The joys of being a principal.
Vice-principal Luna wishes she was home.
Enjoying her new video games.
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1553
Howdy all. Welcome to Friendship Daily! Flutter is so loud. Wow. Can you even handle it? My ears hurt! She's gonna wake up all the animals. Alllllll of them!
Ugh, you're gonna cheer for me like THAT?
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1512
*intense piano music*
This is also the 500th post on the new website.
Late Morning Discussion #1552
Good morning, everyone. Sweetie Belle has the BIG snack today. Look at that. All the chocolate she can possible fit on that bowl. Do you like banana split ice cream? Leave your thoughts below!
Monday, June 8, 2020
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1510
Good evening everyone.
Sugarcoat is very protective of Twilight.
It's better not to get on her bad side.
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1551
Howdy all. Happy Monday! Flutterdash is soaring together though a meadow! Tell me below what you have planned for the week.
Today's Featured Video:
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1550
Rainbow mowing the lawn... because why not. Even though she lives in the clouds.
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1549
Welcome to the weekend. Derpy seems busy with all these mail deliveries, in this time of everyone ordering things online.
Friday, June 5, 2020
Late Morning Discussion #1548
Howdy Friendship Daily. Looks like the Mane 6 is about to pwn some villains with the magic rainbow laser beam. Happy Friday! How's your day?
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1509
Good evening everyone.
Happy Love Bug day!
Welcome home Chrissy.
A better ending, agreed?
Ready to chat?
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