Starting on Monday, we will only have All Day Discussions. The MD will become the All Day Discussion. To be honest, this was done due to less people being here, thus having 2 discussions a day grew more and more unnecessary. The fandom getting smaller and Discord becoming dominant in the Brony fandom over the last 4 years has led to this too. It’s sad.
However, it’s also an opportunity. By having only 1 thread a day, it means everyone can see everything that has been posted for the day. So if you can only come here at night for example, you’ll be able to see what people posted in the morning, and thus be able to interact more with others. We hope this will lead to more interaction between people here. Having 1 will also make going through old threads and navigating the site easier.
There’s more though. The rules for suggestive pics will be changed; the new revised rules will be much easier to understand and there will be less restrictions on what can be posted. Just remember that all suggestive pics can’t be directly posted. You can only post a link to where the pic is on, not the pic itself. Us mods will soon enforce this policy a lot more and delete any suggestive pics that are directly posted onto the site.
1 more thing guys. The biggest change we will do here is have themed discussions. On Wednesday through Saturday, the discussions will have a theme to them, as a way to enliven the site and increase conversation on other things that we like. Wednesday will focus on cars, Thursday sports, Friday will be Furry Fridays, and Saturday will be Video Game Saturdays. You don’t have to only talk about those themes on those days, but feel free to.
We are still mainly a Pony site, but want to diversify the content on here and cater to other interests people have. Those especially for people who aren’t in the fandom anymore or never were. We hope that these changes will improve FD. Of course, we will have special threads for when the G5 movie and series come out in September. Thanks for reading this.