This is a bat pony. Anything else is not a bat pony.
Friday, April 30, 2021
Late Morning Discussion #1858

Howdy gang. Happy Friday. Babs Seed! Whatcha gonna do?! Big snack for a small pone! She needs a seed to match her big personality, and accent. And that's a realllllly big snack!
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1746
Good evening everyone.
Bubble tea for bubble pony.
Derpy is so adorable.
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1857

Good morning all and welcome to Friendship Daily. Snack time is upon us. Nom nom! What do you think about traditional coloring like this? Takes a lot of time but is very much worth the effort.
Music for the day: (11) 4everfreebrony - Love (Piano Version) - YouTube
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Late Morning Discussion #1856

Hello y'all and welcome to Friendship Daily. Rainy days are fun, right? Quiet days indoors while still staying productive doing fun stuff like drinking coffee! Yay! Tell me below what's the best thing to do on a rainy day?
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Late Night Discussion + {Picture Party) #1744
Good evening everyone.
Sonatas favorite day has arrived!
🌮 🌮
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1855
Good morning and welcome to Friendship Daily y'all. Even in retirement these two can have fun in Equestria. Do you think they're watching to see how Everypony is doing without their leadership...
They are hugging daww. Sisterly love is Magic!
Have a cosmic day!
Monday, April 26, 2021
Late Morning Discussion #1854
Good morning all and Happy Monday! We've all wanted to go hide up in the sky and browse our phones, eh? Nopony will see the DANK memes we browse! Pipp Petals is really into whatever she has going on. She's watching her favorite My Little Bronies, of course!
Sunday, April 25, 2021
All Day Discussion #1853
Morning. If it's still cold where you are, have nice hot cup of coffee or tea to warm you up.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
All Day Discussion #1852
It's Saturday. Be active or I guess cuddle up and look cute like Starlight is doing here.
Friday, April 23, 2021
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1742
Best pals dressed as best pals.
I recommend DC Super Hero Girls.
It's a fun show.
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1851
Happy Friday all. Being a fire breathing dragon hybrid thing means you never have to worry about snow again. Cool. Well, hawt?
Cozy Kirin Cuddle time!
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Late Morning Discussion #1849

Welcome to Friendship Daily. There's a big adventure rolling down the horizon! Pipp and Zipp, the best sisters are hanging together! What do you think of the two pairs of colorful wings? We have one with purples and one with white, they're based off of each other. Quite the coincidence....
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1739
Fluttershy being adorable.
Extra adorable in this art style.
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1848

Good morning gang and howdy! When Trixie first started out as a magician, imagine all the crazy adventures she went through. Though she was lonely, it was a wide-open road awaiting her. 1950s Equestria, rolling in an old Buick with endless opportunities on the horizon! Huzzah!
1950s Equestria seems beautiful, calm and fancy!
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Late Morning Discussion #1847

Hey gang. What's up dawg? Today's 4/20. We're gonna chillax, good vibes only! Groovy! Peace, love, and rock 'n roll.
Wait, what's going on and how did I get here with Tree Hugger?!
Monday, April 19, 2021
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1738
The perfect mixture of evil and adorable.
A fun combination.
Ready to chat?
Sunday, April 18, 2021
All Day Discussion #1853
It's Sunday. Time to relax if you can.
Saturday, April 17, 2021
All Day Discussion #1852
Welcome to another weekend. Dash is trying out being a guard today. She looks to really like the armor.
Friday, April 16, 2021
Late Morning Discussion #1851

Howdy all and Happy Friday. Celebrate the weekend with some ice cream. Give your special somepony something sweet to cool off on a beautiful day! What type of ice cream do you want from your sweet romantic partner? Smooch time!
Here's a beautiful vide of Saturn for you space enthusiasts (4) NASA Cassini's Final Images of Saturn Stunned Me - YouTube
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1735
Good evening everyone.
Spa day with Starlight, Trixie, and Fizzlepop!
Nice to see the ladies getting some time to relax.
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1850

Good morning and welcome to Friendship Daily! Do you think Flurry will make an appearance in G5? Maybe as a very old and wrinkly alicorn? I bet she has plenty of stories to tell
Is she the final Princess of Equestria? Put your thoughts below!
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Late Morning Discussion #1849

Howdy all. Today feels like a good day for singing and dancing. Post some pictures of the Kirin doing just that! Or tell me your favorite song to sing along to? Make Autumn Blaze happy! She's ready to hear some joyful chatting!
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1734
Good evening everyone.
It's Taco 🌮 Tuesday!
Ready to chat?
Lovable Sonata!
Late Morning Discussion #1848

Good day all. Welcome to Friendship Daily. The two iron ponies playing around together is quite entertaining. What type of competitions are they preparing for now that spring is here? Leave your thoughts below.... please....
They're so happy and huggable!
Monday, April 12, 2021
Late Morning Discussion #1847

Good morning all and Happy Monday. Let's start the week off right with some adorkable Twily. Look at that massive mane. Rapunzel would be proud. This is a crossover by the way. She's a top-tier pony cosplayer!
Post some cool pony cosplay pics!
Sunday, April 11, 2021
All Day Discussion #1846
Welcome to Sunday. Maybe read a book and chill if you're bored today.
Saturday, April 10, 2021
All Day Discussion #1845
Finally the weekend. Time to sleep in.
Friday, April 9, 2021
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1732
Good evening everyone.
Beautiful humanization of Twilight Sparkle.
It's the weekend!
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1844

Happy Friday, gang! Early spring is looking beautiful. It's the perfect time for sweater weather to enjoy the calm weekend. Do you want to stay cozy, soft, and fuzzy with Fluttershy?
Plushies are Magic! Post some Plushie pics below, please!
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Late Morning Discussion #1843

Hey, friends. What's up today? Pinkie is excited to hear all about the upcoming fun!
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1730
Good evening everyone.
Still the funniest gif ever!
Happy Wednesday.
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1842

Hey, gang. Welcome to Friendship Daily! Post some pictures of preening!
Wing nibbles for the majestic princess ;3
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Late Morning Discussion #1841

Howdy all and welcome to Friendship Daily! Peaceful walks in the tranquil terrains are quite fun! A little bit of wide open sky to relax and clear the mind!
My Little Pony: Kirn are Magic! Post some Kirin OCs below!
Monday, April 5, 2021
Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1728
Good evening everyone.
Madam Mayor rocking out!
Even a mayor needs her downtime.
Ready to chat?
Late Morning Discussion #1840

Howdy all and Happy Monday. Angel is such a grumpy bunny. Time for some Monday relaxation with cute critters. Fluttershy appreciates the simple things in life. We all should, too!
Di you have a good Easter or weekend? Put your thoughts below!
Sunday, April 4, 2021
Easter Discussion #1839
Happy Easter from us at FD. Whether you celebrate today in its Christian aspect, have Easter egg hunts, or simply have a gathering with family, we hope you have an enjoyable day.
Saturday, April 3, 2021
All Day Discussion #1838
Looks like Izzy's attempts to distract the guard isn't working. Wonder what she's saying to him.
Friday, April 2, 2021
Late Morning Discussion #1837

Good morning all and Happy Friday! Did you survive the April Fool's shenanigans? Back to normal programming.... for now. Tell me the coolest prank you saw yesterday!
Uhhh, you're all secret furries now, aren't you?
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