Saturday, October 31, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1686 (Halloween Special)


Happy Halloween, or whatever Halloween is now in the age of Covid. 

Beware if you see this vampire pony coming towards you! I hear she isn't too friendly.

Late Morning Discussion #1685

Howdy all and welcome to Friendship Daily. Looks like it might be a delicious desert kind of day. I love sundaes and milkshakes. They make a good combo eh? So precious. Slightly sweet desert for a very sweet pony! Even when it's cold out, do you still like ice-cream desserts?

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1614

Good evening everyone.

FlutterBat on the loose!

AJ better be prepared.

Ready to chat?

Late Morning Discussion #1684

Good morning all. Halloween is coming closer and closer! But punk Glimmy is always in season.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1613

You have treaded into territory you should have never entered. Now you are cursed. No one can save you now. All you can do now is run and try to delay the inevitable. You should have listened to those warnings that this is a cursed area, but instead you have come here and gotten yourself cursed. Don't run now, you'll only spread the curse elsewhere. The best thing you should do is just stay and accept that you'll become a part of the curse. Don't fight fate more than you have to. You'll only make things worse for yourself. It will never forgive. It will never forget.

Late Morning Discussion #1683

Sweet snacks for sweet mares. Even though it's an early winter, Equestria still can still enjoy a nice ice-cream treat to cool down on a hot day. Or just to keep cool on a cool day. Either way, it's a fun way to treat yourself! 

Featuring Bay Breeze and Saku!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1612

Good evening everyone.

Pinkie has found her inspiration for Halloween 🎃 

I recommend Christine for a horror movie enthusiast. 

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1682

Howdy all. Look at these two cool guys. Cruising down Equestria backroads in the E-Class wagon! Cool German fancy engineering!

Time to burn some rubber!

Monday, October 26, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1611

In main timeline Earth, you eat candy. In Equestria, candy eats you. Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, the Candy Mare is back, bigger and stronger than ever before seen by this world. No one is safe, no one can out match her, and worst of all, she is dedicated to world assimilation. All you can hope to do is extend your time left on this world before you're turned into one of her ghouls. 

Rated PG-13

Late Morning Discussion #1681

Tempest is setting off fireworks to celebrate Monday! Dun dun dunnnnnn. Happy Monday everyone. Do you know how important it is to celebrate each day? Imagine how cool it would be to have a magical unicorn who is able to produce such cool explosions of lightning and awesomeness!

Do you like fireworks or ponies with a rough history? Tell us below: what happened to Tempest after the MLP Movie?

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1680


Soarin is showing off a lot of kindness here, or maybe wants something from his boss, heh.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1679


Lazy Saturday. Good time for snuggling with your friend or partner.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Late Morning Discussion #1678

Howdy all and Happy Free Flying Friday! Looks like it's a wide-opened adventure today. Check out the lightning cloud behind this handsome stallion. Whoa!

All you pegasi out there be sure to hit the skies for some high-soaring fun. Looking for volunteers to bring a hot air ballon for all the non-winged folk. Who can help? The race is on!!

Late Morning Discussion #1677

Yes everypony, they had a baby! One of the best party ponies in kindergarten! The important question is, does her mane taste like cotton candy too?! Or is she just so cheesy?

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1608

Good evening everyone. 
Cutie witch Sunset Shimmer.
Sunset the Teenage Witch?
Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1676

Good morning all. Sometimes the future is uncertain. Twilight sure felt that back in 2010. It's amazing what a decade can do. Glow on, my future ponies.

If you're feeling surrounded by darkness, let us give you a little sparkle of inspiration and comfort. You'll succeed with your friends!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1607

Note: While I'm allowed to post headers rated semi-grimdark this month, I am not allowed to have blood in my headers. The previous header image may have contained blood, which I some how didn't notice or realize until after posting. As such, I am changing the header to still be a reference to Dead Space, but it shouldn't contain any blood this time. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. 

My mom hates this.


Late Morning Discussion #1675

Howdy all. Great and Powerful Windstorms are happening across Equestria! Fortunately being a unicorn means you won't need to chase after that hat, Trix! 

How does your OC react to a wardrobe malfunction?

Monday, October 19, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1606

Good evening everyone. 
Cute witch costume Sunset. 
We are quickly approaching Nightmare Night. 
Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1674

Good morning all and Happy Monday! Naps are good, let's prepare for the long week ahead with some cozy and cute naps!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1673


Today we feature another mare using tech. Luckily she's a unicorn so she can cheat use magic to write and use the computer. 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1672


This mare is having some weekend fun in the great outdoors... playing video games! Though using a DS-like device with hooves and wings takes quite some skill to do.

Late Morning Discussion #1671

Howdy all and welcome to Pumpkin Daily. Oops, looks like this pone brought too many pumpkins. We have a pumpkin overdose. That's alright, because I love pumpkin everything! Pumpkin candy, pie, chocolate, coffee, spiced. No such thing as too much!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1604

Good evening everyone.

Rebel Starlight Glimmer.

The chest fluff is cute on her.

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1670


Hello all. Welcome to Friendship Daily.... Here are 3 friends. Party pone, Bon pone, and Lyra pone. Why is Pinkie so hyper all the time? Put your theories below.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1603

Hello, David. You don't know me, but I know you. I want to play a game. I'll give you a demonstration on what happens if you lose. The device you are wearing are hooked into your upper and lower jaws. When the timer in the back goes off, your mouth will be ripped permanently open. Think of it like a reverse bear trap. I'll show you.

There is only one key to open the device. It is in the stomach of your dead cellmate. Look around, David, know that I am not lying. Live or die, make. your. choice. 

A YouTube upload of Saw 0.5

Late Morning Discussion #1669

*Gasp*! Hello everyone and welcome to Friendship Daily. Singing is just so wonderful isn't it? Various moods make for an interesting Kirin! Woooo... I might have burned a few breads and neighborhoods while I was rage quitting yesterday. I'm on fire! Yes. Now rub my cute fluffy tummy!

Do you ever sing to yourself when you're alone?

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1601

Source: N/A
Good evening everyone. 
Goth Dashie. 
She looks cute. 
Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1668

Howdy all and good day! After 10 years of MLP, what memories are the best for you? Please put your thoughts on the fandom anniversary below! Also, 20% bigger biceps? Odd achievement over the past 10 years.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1601

I rule Wonderland alone. Your interference will not be tolerated. This realm is for grown-ups; raw, well-ordered, ruthless, careening on the jagged edge of reality. Self-pitying dreamers are not wanted here; they cannot survive here. You fear the truth. You live in shadows. Your pathetic attempts to reclaim your sanity have failed. Retreat into the sterile safety of your self-delusions, or risk inevitable annihilation. If you destroy me, you'll destroy yourself. Leave now and some hollow part of you may survive. Stay, and I will break you down. You will lose yourself. Forever!

Late Morning Discussion #1667

Howdy all and Happy Monday. Get rid of those Monday blues with something red. Like a strawberry flavored gem. Or something like a GIANT fruit gusher. Remember those? Well I have the perfect pick-me-up to motivate you on Monday. It's just a little sticky, very heavy, and really shiny!

Put your thoughts below!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1666


Dash looks like she's enjoying herself here in the air. 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1665


It's hard to believe, but on this day 10 years ago, first episode of MLP: Friendship is Magic premiered on what was then called The Hub. That day changed everything and led to the creation of an unlikely fandom.

Here we see the first two characters that would become so well known to all of us, Twilight and Spike. I may have not joined the show and fandom until 2017, but the impact this show has had om us will last forever. 

Happy 10th anniversary FiM! 

Late Morning Discussion #1664


Happy Friday everypony! You ready to have a fashionable weekend?! Or a fire-hot weekend, since everypony is a Kirin now?!

Put Kirin pics below!

Late Morning Discussion #1663


Hey all. Look at this epic little pone. So cool and sleek. She needs her mane brushed!

Tell me below, if you were a unicorn what magic spells would you learn first?

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1598

Source: N/A
Good evening everyone. 
Happy Pinkie Day!
Your new best friend!
Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1662

Good morning, gang! Flutter hug is best hug. What cute activities do you think pegasi enjoy when it is cold?

Anyone who is feeling down in the dumps today needs an ultra-soft hug from Dashie! Come get it!

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Late Night Discussion (+ Picture Party) #1597

Howdy all and welcome to Friendship Daily. What could they possibly be so emotional about?! Tears of joy or tears of farewell? A winter is coming, are you ready?!

Good night my sweet prince..... for now it is farewell but we will see each other again in another discordant world

Late Morning Discussion #1661

Good morning all and welcome to Friendship Daily. Leaves are coming down in droves today! 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1596

Good evening everyone. 

Everyponys favorite mailmare. 


Don't forgot to tip a muffin.

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1660


Good morning all and Happy Monday! Looks like this patient pone is properly preparing for a pleasant Monday! What do you have planned for this week?

Pour-over method of coffee brewing! Delicious bean juice here we come!

Featured video of the day! Fun science stuff for the future!

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1659


She finally got the secret hidden pie. Let's hope it was worth all the hard work.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1658


Happy Saturday. Wonder how this mishap happened.