Saturday, February 29, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1451


Welcome to the weekend. This mare is acting a little playful. I wonder where her other sock is. 

Late Morning Discussion #1450

Good morning all and Happy Friday! Nap Time is imminent! What's going on this weekend?

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1439

Good evening everyone.

Have a cute Daybreaker. 

I wonder if she is cute during her downtime?

Ready to chat?

Late Morning Discussion #1449

Howdy gang. Do you remember the parasprite episode? Quite the powerful message. And those critters are insane. No rhyme can talk about that crime!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1438

Just another day in the life of Rainbow Dash. Struggling to show her new trick, though, but she'll get it down.


Late Morning Discussion #1448

Howdy gang. Glimmy is certainly the coolest villian in Equestria. Giving Twilight plot whoppin!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1437

Good evening everyone. 

Sonata looks adorable in casual wear.

Ready to chat?

Late Morning Discussion #1447

Howdy everypony. Happy Mardi Gras. Starlight is leading the parade this year. Time to party!

Monday, February 24, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1436

I don't think we've seen her as a header for a while. Here is Zecora for the ND.

Source in linked page:

Late Morning Discussion #1446

Howdy gang and Happy Monday! Kirinposting is a fantastic way to start off the week. Friendship, magic, and tons Nirik rage quits. Sounds like a perfect Monday. Autumn Blaze will help you through the day with her cuteness and laughter

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1445


Oof. Looks like somepony got a bit too excited about their friend's birthday. Happy Sunday.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Friday, February 21, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1435

Good evening everyone. 

Detective Rarity is on the case. 

I would love a spinoff,

Ready to chat?

Late Morning Discussion #1443

Howdy all and Happy Friday! Welcome to the weekend. Flutter's weekend is beginning too. Looking extra cute for you on this wonderful day

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1434

So, what happens to all the week old Valentine's Day candy?


Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1433

Good evening everyone.

Luna looks adorable.

What do you think?

Ready to chat? 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1432

This is Phoxphite with yet another WitchTaunter image. Today we have Pinkie Pie looking to the right. Why? Because Pinkie Pie, that's why.

Late Morning Discussion #1440

Friendship Daily: Orange is the new Magic. Oh jeez. This isn't good, can some creature bust these two mares outta jail?!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1431

Good evening everyone.

Yona and Sandbar make a cute couple.

I adore the size difference in this picture.

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1439

Happy Monday, all. She is still sleepy from a long study session! Sleepy Monday is a sign of a very busy weekend. Hopefully you all got rest!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1438


Happy Sunday. Trixie is having tea with a mini-sized Starlight. I wonder how this situation happened. 

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1437


If you're bothered by the cold, allow this summer pic to help warm you up. Soarin is enjoying the weekend off from Wonderbolts stuff. 

Friday, February 14, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1430

Today is Valentine's day. Patrick couldn't stay in his show, since he wanted to tell us and the changelings what he thought. Happy Valentine's night.

Late Morning Discussion #1436

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day! Romance is in the air, and I can smell flowers. Eat chocolate all day, even if you are alone. Less to share!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Late Night Discussion + ( Picture Party) #1429

Good evening everyone. 

Have a cutie Sunset.

I can't wait for the Equestria Girls comic. 

Ready to chat?

Late Morning Discussion #1434

Howdy gang. In the USA, there has been tons of rain. Rarity doesn't like rain, but.... she is willing to help another pony who really cares about her.

"Darling, why are you standing in the rain? Lemme get you a towel."

Friendship can grow when there is generosity. Flowers will bloom if you are honest about yourself and others!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1427

Source: N/A 

Good evening everyone.

Epic battles of Equestria.

The Shadow Five vs the Bully Four!

Who wins who's next?

Epic Battles Of Equestria! 

Late Morning Discussion #1433

You come to WIN! Winners don't lose. I come from the school of hard knocks. The best uno player in all of Equestria. A real thug. And this silly mare will never win! ....Howdy all, and welcome to Uno Daily

Late Morning Discussion #1432

Howdy all and Happy Monday. Sweet Celestia, what's this header? It's a pony drawing a pony.... why.... it's PONECEPTION! Inception for Monday morning. We could all be ponies in hiding typing on a computer all day long, you never know. What's up?

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1431


Sunday is a day for relaxing and this mare is certainly doing that. 

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1430


This stallion has the "but mom!" look on his face. In any event, he's ready for the winter cold. 

Friday, February 7, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1425

Good evening everyone.

A stunning upset in the EWF.

MoonDancer defeats Pinkie Pie in a hard-fought match.

MoonDancer becomes the number one contender. 

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1429

Bravo everypony. You made it to Friday. Sarcastic clap for a job well done! :P 

How are you doing today?

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1424

I don't know, but you might want to listen to the urge.

Source in linked page:

Late Morning Discussion #1428

Howdy gang. Accessory theft is magic... how do you accessorize?

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1423

Good evening everyone.

It's open karaoke night.

Any guesses to what Adagio is singing?

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1427

Howdy gang. The future is bright for this mare! What type of princess will she be? Tell us below!

Late Morning Discussion #1426

Howdy all. Enjoying the morning so far? I think y'all need some hot empathy cocoa or coffee! 

Monday, February 3, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1424


Soarin is having a nice and relaxing flight here. Welcome to Sunday and the Super Bowl tonight.

Late Morning Discussion #1425

Good morning all. Happy Monday. Can every day be Rainbow Dash's birthday? Sure it can.

Now every day can be cooler. You're welcome

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1424


Soarin is having a nice and relaxing flight here. Welcome to Sunday and the Superbowl tonight. 

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1423


Rainbow Dash is awesome at a lot of things, but Ponopoly doesn't look to be one of them. Happy Rainbow Dash Day! 

I didn't know that was today, so this was a nice surprise. I also forgot the Superbowl was Sunday. I feel a bit out of it.