Friday, January 31, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1420

Good evening everyone.

Ember is here to take a bite out of your ❤️.

Would you let her?

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1422

Hey gang, Happy Friday! Cozy Glow is gonna go hard cheering for her favorite football team. Oh.... Looks like her team isn't making it to the Super Bowl. Everypony is getting ready for the big game on Sunday. What are you doing this weekend?

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1418

Good evening everyone.

Celestia and Luna enjoying there vacation.

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1420

All the princesses shall be reformed and will bow to my every desire. No more cutie marks! Everypony is equal. Finally! Welcome to Friendship Daily! Are you ready to give up the cutie mark?

Oops, silly Starlight. This is not how you make new friends! :O

Late Morning Discussion #1419

Fuzzy flutter flower pone. Good morning all.

Fun fact: Lauren Faust confirmed Celestia allowed Luna to escape her moon prison in the opening MLP scene "The stars aided in her escape"

Monday, January 27, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1416

Good evening everyone

Marble Pie asking Big Mac to dance.

I think he will say yes. 

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1418

Howdy all and Happy Monday. Awesome opossum here to bring joy and laughter.

Happy Chinese New Year everyone! It's also a start of a new Chinese zodiac cycle! Year of the Rat is 2020!

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1417


AJ is here chillin' and playing her favorite tunes. Welcome to Sunday. 

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1416


Yes, today is the day to sleep in, but stretching is always nice. 

Friday, January 24, 2020

Late Morning Discussion #1415

Love Bug, straight from the 1960s... Tiny car with tiny engine, super slow but giving lots of smiles per gallon! Happy Friday, all. Road tripping for Chrysalis! The Queen of Road Trips!

RIP Volkswagen Beetle

1938 - 2019

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1414

Source: N/A 

Good evening everyone.

Have a cute and happy SciTwi

It's almost the weekend.

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1414

Good morning gang, how's it going?! I'm thinking all ponies are good at running. Even Twi, since she knows how to pace herself. What do you like doing in the autumn?

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Late Morning Discussion #1413

Howdy gang. Look at those stripes! We're on a vacation to Zebraland today.

Those who come to this blog ought to rhyme 
or else they'll be trapped in a fog
and then ran over by a log!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1412

Good evening everyone.

Twi and Shining better watch out.

Flurry is planning her assault.

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1412

Glim has hit the upgrade button in her life. School of Friendship is now the coolest school with this unicorn mare running things! Always looking for the fun magical scenes. Yay.

Happy national Hug Day!

Monday, January 20, 2020

Late Morning Discussion #1411

Good morning and Happy Monday. Are you planning anything for this week? Celestia has a plan. It's secret, though. Here's some music for the song

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1409


Welcome to the weekend. Time to have some fun; indoor fun based on how cold it is.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1408

Good evening everyone.

Imagine this scene in the show. 

I would have loved this personally.

It's the weekend.

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1408

Friday? More like Nap Day. Welcome to Friendship Daily, gang. Having a lazy pegasus on the weather patrol is a good thing. More clouds will give us more comfy beds. It's a benefit for everypony!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1407

Today is Spike Day. Why is there a picture of Berry Punch instead? I felt like doing a horrible "spike" joke. Hardy hardy har.


Late Morning Discussion #1407

Happy Spike Day. Spike is the great and glorious, I think. Savior of the Crystal Empire and the best "comedic relief" character in Equestria

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1406

Good evening everyone.

Trixie knows how to make an entrance.

I wonder why she decided to land in a field?

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1406

Good morning gang. Twilight has big plans for Equestria. Big plans. Do you agree with her ideas for epic 4x4 adventures and electric trucks filled with go-fast? It comes with lots of shattered glass and strange triangle shapes.

Celestia will need to consult with the design team.... TO THE MOON! Post your thoughts below!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1406

That means she's sick, Vinyl. Very sick.... verysickofallofyourdubstephagotemgimmefive

Late Morning Discussion #1405

Good morning all and welcome to Friendship Daily. Dance time with Ponk!!

Monday, January 13, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1405

Good evening everyone.

No, Sonata its a trap. 

Sonata can not resist the call of tacos. 

Ready to chat?

Late Morning Discussion #1404


If you're dreading another Monday, hope this helps you to get into the groove of things. 

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1402

Starlight is staying in on what is a cold winter day with music. So peaceful and cozy.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1404

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Late Morning Discussion #1401

Howdy all and Happy Friday. My Little Pony: College is Magic. Do you relate to this chart of college fun?!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1403


Fluttershy still doesn't like her picture taken. But we still got a Fluttershy header. Non-yay?

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1402

Good evening everyone.

Stellar Flare with colt SunBurst.

She loves her son but she can be a little overbearing.

What do you guys think of Stellar Flare?

Ready to chat? 

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Late Night Discussion + Picture Party #1401

TFW you wanna listen to a lecture, but you are too focused on WORLD DESTRUCTION!

Late morn Night Discussion #1398

Howdy gang. How are you doing? Who wants a party cannon?


Today is sponsored by Australia. Please help them if you can. Tons of forest fires have killed hundreds of animals!

Monday, January 6, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1400

Good evening everyone!

Welcome to number #1400.

Would these two get along as roommates? 

Oddest roommates in Equestria. 

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1397

Good morning and Happy Monday. Nothing is better than nice bit of competition. Dashie has her wings trussed up and is pretty much peeved off after Applejack wanted to race her! What type of competition is your favorite?

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1396


If you feel cold today, then look at this hot pic of Spitfire (both literally and figuratively I suppose). 
You could say she's on fire (both literally and figuratively again, lol). I'll let you people decide that. 

Saturday, January 4, 2020

VERY Late All Day Discussion #1395

Howdy all and welcome to Friendship Daily. Sorry it's late. I guess it's common these days

Friday, January 3, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1399

The lord of chaos is getting bendy and foldy tonight. Watch out or he'll bend and fold you too. Chaotically.

New thing to keep in mind: If it has Discord in it, the post was probably made by me. It's probably a problem.


Late Morning Discussion #1394

Imagine a world where Twi and Starlight met in magic school. They'd become friends before Twi ascended into alicornhood. What type of fun do you think they would have together? Tons of adventure or lots of trouble? I think they would be troublemakers hehe! Good morning and Happy Friday!

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1398

Good evening everyone.

Oh, Trixie don't scare your friends.

Luckily, Nurse Redheart is there.

Have you ever scared a friend?

Ready to chat?