Thursday, October 31, 2019

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1351

I love you too, Chrysalis, to the point of using you twice in a row, but you can't be doing this, come on. You're not a praying mantis, so stop it. I don't want to join those ponies and I don't want to support this either.

Love Chrysalis or bad things will happen.


Late Morning Discussion #1330

Happy Nightmare Night!! The girls have a costume! Tell me, are you eating candy and wearing a costume?

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1350

Good evening everyone.

Enjoy this gif.

I thought it was awesome.

Nightmare Night eve!

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1329

Walk the runway. Show off that hair. You got this!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1349

Chrysalis has changed quite a bit. Perhaps this is a form we have never seen before. Whatever it is, you better watch out.


Late Morning Discussion #1328

You would not believe your eyes if ten milion fluttershys lit up the world as I fell asleep. Howdy gang. What are you doing?

Monday, October 28, 2019

Late Night Discussion + ( Picture Party) #1348

Good evening everyone.

The Dazzlings celebrating Nightmare Night.

I'm definitely going trick or tricking with them.

Ready to chat?

Late Morning Discussion #1327

Together we are friends until the very end. Wait.... no. There's no end! Good morning and Happy Monday! Friends will help you get through Monday!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1326


Starlight found a bit. Wonder what she'll do with it. Have a good Sunday folks. 

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1325


It's Saturday. As it gets colder, get ready to bundle up like Fluttershy is here.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1347

This can't be good. Apple Bloom, what is it with you and dark forests? Better get out while you still can before whatever is after you gets you. And hope someone friendly will get them before they get you.


Late Morning Discussion #1324


Happy Friday. I know Autumn sure is. What was your favorite stuffed animal as a kid?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1346

Good evening everyone.

Human pony paradise detected.

Cuteness levels are approaching the maximum capacity.

Ready to chat?

Late Morning Discussion #1323

Long days of hiking and enjoying the Equestria nature. You best be hurrying my little ponies, winter is coming

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1345

Twilight should know better than to let that zombie derp nom her. She better act fast before she becomes a derpy zombie herself



Late Morning Discussion #1322

Cutie Mark Crusader Blog posters! Yay! Now what is on the to-do list for today? Get some cutie marks!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1344

Good evening everyone.

Have a cute Sunset to start the evening.

I can't believe EQG is ending soon.

Ready to chat? 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Late Morning Discussion #1321

Golly! I have a whole blog post to myself? That's great. I'm Cozy Glow and I wanna be your friend. It sure is fun here on the internet with you bronies cheering me on in the quest to become Friendship Empress 

Late Morning Discussion #1320

Rise and shine, everypony. The sun is up and we've got work to do. Luna is angry the weekend is over. Sunshine is keeping her up. Smug Celestia... well we love a good old Trollestia!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1319


AJ is being lazy and silly today... rolling around in the grass. It must feel very soft though. Though this time of year, it's near raking season.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1318


Swinging into the weekend like.....

Good morning gang and welcome to Friendship Daily.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1342

Good evening everyone.


Look at the adorable villainess.

It's the weekend. 

Ready to chat?

Late Morning Discussion #1317


Welcome to Friday. Stay warm as it gets colder. Snuggles are one way to do it.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1341

Pinkie is back, and with a vengeance too. You didn't go to Gummy's after birthday party, and now you must pay with your life. You cannot hide. She will find you.


Late Morning Discussion #1316

Good morning gang, what is going on?

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Late Morning Discussion #1315

Look at that hair. Can you imagine having this much hair? It's always a fashion statement when you're a horse. Good Morning and welcome to Friendship Daily. Show me your favorite pony hairstyle!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1339

Oh no! Luna took her moon addiction too far and now she's a werewolf! Oh how horrible this is! I hope she doesn't become a werewolf robot next! That's something no one could survive! Please save us, Celestia!


Late Morning Discussion #1314 

Duality of mares. Go to bed or Good Morning. We gotta stay awake for this one. It's Tuesday!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Late Night Discussion + (Picture Party) #1338

Source: N/A 

Good evening everyone.

Winona and Opal different reactions to Rarity and AJ.

AJ will need a bandaid.

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1313

Howdy all. I hope you survived the weekend. What is going on?! 

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1312

Good morning everyone.

How's everyone feeling after last night?

Season Ten will be in comic book form.

I can't wait to enjoy new adventures with our colorful ponies.

Ready to chat? 

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Episode Discussion: SERIES FINALE

Well, folks, this is a 3 part finale. We don't need any title or intro. We know what this is. It's a culmination of all the effort the mane cast has put into providing a fun and exciting experience. Friendship, laughter, generosity, loyalty, kindness, magic, honesty, and forgiveness too. Are you ready? I am not. Let's go together and find out how it ends. Never forget what brought us together tonight. We aren't done yet. See you tomorrow for another day of brony love. LEAVE YOUR THOUGHTS BELOW! This is alviniscute signing out for the last time.... PEACE!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Late Night Discussion #1337 + (Picture Party)

This is horrible! Luna took her video gaming addiction too far and now she's a machine! No one is safe! Oh how will anyone survive this? Trial and error, I guess. And luck. But it will be VERY hard to survive this. For a whole week too. Good luck.

Also, you're fired. Sorry.


Late Morning Discussion #1310


Twilight has gotten herself into quite a situation here. What will she do, or rather what will the cops do. This is a much bigger case than E.T. was.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Late Night Discussion #1336 + (Picture Party)

Good evening everyone.

Photo is usually taking the photos. 

But Photo doesn't mind this once.

Ready to chat?

Late Morning Discussion #1310

Happy Birthday MLP! It has been a crazy 9 years. Cheers to more filled with friendship. 

Please post below the episode or moment that most inspired you in MLP!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Late Night Discussion #1335 + (Picture Party)

Under Pinkie logic, yes. But in the way you'd like for it to be, no, not really. Unfortunately you're alone for now, but soon it will change for the worse. Good luck, Pinkies.


Late Morning Discussion #1309

Snack time. All the time. Okay you all, now there is only 4 days left until the FINALE! List your top 3 characters who have developed the most in the show!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Late Night Discussion #1334 + (Picture Party)

Good evening everyone.

Have a relaxing Rarity by the beach.

Sometimes a mare needs a break.

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1308

An epic evolution years in the making. Glim has stood as the prime example for forgiveness in this world. She's truly worthy of all the praise! Best character growth!

Monday, October 7, 2019

Late Night Discussion #1333 + (Picture Party)

Note: Because I failed a spot check on Derpibooru and because I use a custom made filter that I haven't updated since its creation last year, I didn't realize the old header was a spoiler for an upcoming or recent episode. As such, I decided the best I can do is change the header so it doesn't stay for much longer. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and I'm sorry for the spoiler.

Rainbow, you might want to run now before she comes and gets you. Your number is up and all, afterall. And Pinkie, please monologue while staring away from her to by her some time. Please.

Late Morning Discussion #1307

Sleep is good. Happy Monday. Just sleeping. Let the weekend last longer... what did you do this weekend?

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Late Morning (All Day) Discussion #1306

This is how Scoots can fly. Getting some fresh air and nice views with friends. Good day all. Happy Sunday!

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Episode Discussion: Season 9 Episode 23: The Big Mac Question

Howdy all. Are you ready for the last MLP episode? After this, we have the finale. So buckle up and enjoy :P

Yee haw?

Friday, October 4, 2019

Late Night Discussion #1332 + (Picture Party)

Good evening everyone.

I apologize for being late, Blogger went down for an hour and I could not post.  Technology is a gift and a curse.

So have a Celestia.

Ready for the weekend?

Ready to chat? 

Late Morning Discussion #1304


They're all in much different moods today. Some more normal... and not so normal.